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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Creating Good Chi in Your Spaces of Inspiration

Mike's most excellent assistant expressed earlier tonight what seemed at first to be a random, alternate-state-of-consciousness-driven desire for two things for our Office Without Walls: (1) a Koi Pond so we can watch the coy swim and (2) an Incubator so we can watch baby chicks hatch.
Both reco's are pictured here for reference.

Now, being the good Co-Conspirator (not the "B" word) that he is, Mike takes all fellow Co-Conspirator recommendations very seriously,
applying utmost respect and attention in the Idea Offerer's direction... but especially with CC. Mike
pays extra attention as there is usually some hidden connection or deep meaning to her thoughts that bears understanding and appreciation. With CC, there are no random thoughts. So, applying this filter, Mike looked at what these two bio-organic elements had in common and what they represented in a larger sense with application to our Office Without Walls.

These are his conclusions:

1. Both are wondrous expressions of life. To have these exposures in your personal space is to have God sitting in your lap. The perfection of these creatures, their innocent demeanors, the fragility of their eco-systems and often dependence on man who has domesticated them. Office Without Walls Application: You should be inspired by something every day.

2. They are like children, so command extra care, guidance and responsibility. Office Without Walls Application: Like these living, breathing creatures, our ideas born of our Spaces of Inspiration are like children. And like children, we must help show our ideas the right path, often take them by the hand, nurture them and help them evolve and, eventually, when they are as big as they can be let them stand on their own, encourage them to play with others (nicely we hope), as often one good idea begets another and together they become more powerful (as in the expression "two heads are better than one").

3. Every good company (and this is not the old Company with an initial capital "C" as in "he's a Company man" but a new definition of company as in the company you keep) should have a few specific charges/responsibilities. That is, we individuals who have agreed to collaborate to chase our dreams (pausing occasionally to bake cookies and play Frisbee), should have to have responsibility over some aspect of life that has bearing on the collective good. So, in our Office Without Walls space our charges are koi and baby chicks. If something happens to our charges while in our care, you might as well damn the lot of us, for we have not done our part as a member of the collective whole.

Stay Tuned and come back to "Writer/Author Mike Lauterborn Live" Blog Site for more of Mike's Deep Thoughts with regard to reinventing how we think about work, where we do or do not conduct it and how we interract within these collaborative communities.

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